How do Essential oils work?
Organic (natural) essential oils emanate molecules that olfactory receptors capture. They emit a signal that will give the nervous system the green light to manifest the exclusive therapeutic properties of the organic essential oil.
Do plants make
essential oils?
- To prevent or treat viral, bacterial, or fungal infections.
- Attract pollinators: butterflies, bees, hummingbirds.
- Repel herbivores.
- Heal cuts on plants.
To avoid the growth of other plants around them. An example is the eucalyptus tree, which, by making eucalyptol, prevents plants from growing around it.
Prevents dehydration. For example, our coniferous forests emit essential oils, creating a dense breeze that prevents the pine trees from dehydrating in summer, when temperatures are around 40 degrees Celsius.
#essentialoils #miking #mikingllc #luxurygoods #oils #aromatheraphy
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8CQg31x4p4
Do plants make
essential oils?
- To prevent or treat viral, bacterial, or fungal infections.
- Attract pollinators: butterflies, bees, hummingbirds.
- Repel herbivores.
- Heal cuts on plants.
To avoid the growth of other plants around them. An example is the eucalyptus tree, which, by making eucalyptol, prevents plants from growing around it.
Prevents dehydration. For example, our coniferous forests emit essential oils, creating a dense breeze that prevents the pine trees from dehydrating in summer, when temperatures are around 40 degrees Celsius.
#essentialoils #miking #mikingllc #luxurygoods #oils #aromatheraphy
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8CQg31x4p4