L'anglais est la principale langue de communication dans le monde des affaires internationales. Une bonne maîtrise de la langue est essentielle pour les professionnels qui souhaitent développer leur entreprise sur les marchés internationaux ou étudier à l'étranger. Miking propose une préparation au TOEFL pour ceux qui souhaitent améliorer leur niveau d'anglais, mais le programme est limité à un nombre restreint d'étudiants. Inscrivez-vous à l'Académie Miking de formation des cadres et de développement professionnel pour faire passer votre carrière au niveau supérieur.
Miking Academy a le plaisir d'offrir une formation exécutive et un développement professionnel, notre série de cours d'anglais.
Les travaux pratiques sont destinés aux étudiants ayant un niveau moyen de maîtrise de l'anglais à l'oral et à l'écrit. Supposons que vous ayez étudié à l'université, il est temps de mettre ces connaissances en pratique. Vous vous sentirez à l'aise pour parler à vos camarades de classe. Attendez-vous à faire des erreurs, à mal prononcer des mots et à formuler des phrases qui n'ont pas forcément de sens en anglais. En vous écoutant et en écoutant vos camarades de classe, et en obtenant des éclaircissements immédiats de la part de votre professeur, vous deviendrez plus compétent en anglais. Il est temps de passer à l'étape suivante et de vous inscrire à la formation continue et au développement professionnel de l'Académie Miking, notre série de cours d'anglais.
Below are the six courses available and a brief synopsis of what they contain.
E101 Executive Education and Professional Development, English, Verbal Communication.
- Vous gagnerez en confiance dans votre capacité à parler la langue anglaise.
- Vous apprendrez en écoutant un locuteur natif anglais, en prêtant une attention particulière au débit, à l'intonation et à la prononciation ; chaque étudiant s'entraînera individuellement et en groupe.
- Vous expliquerez votre compréhension de ce qu'il vient d'entendre à la classe.Des conversations simples renforcent la confiance et vous permettent de maîtriser la langue anglaise.
- Des devoirs seront assignés à chaque période de cours. Il peut s'agir de lire un article sur un site Internet anglais ou d'écouter une émission d'information en anglais. Les étudiants présenteront un bref résumé de l'article à la classe.
- La compréhension est essentielle. Nous devons être capables de suivre les différents aspects de la conversation et de converser verbalement de manière adéquate.
E102 Executive Education and Professional Development, English, Written Communication.
- En tirant le meilleur parti de ZOOM, les élèves participeront en envoyant des commentaires et des communications plus formels. C'est le moment de prendre confiance en leur capacité à écrire en anglais !
- Ils créeront de la correspondance professionnelle en anglais pour une variété de situations.
- Rédiger un courriel à leur superviseur pour demander un congé en vue d'un événement familial à venir. Rédiger une lettre de démission officielle à leur employeur actuel, en conservant le plus grand professionnalisme.
- En rédigeant un flux de processus révisé pour une division de leur entreprise, les étudiants créeront une proposition claire, organisée et complète pour leur vice-président des opérations.
- La compréhension est la clé. Nous devons être capables de suivre de nombreux aspects différents de la conversation pour converser correctement dans un format écrit.
E103 Executive Education and Professional Development, English, Social Settings.
- In many scenarios, what do you do? As you advance in your executive career, you will be placed in situations you need to become more familiar with. In this course, you will be exposed to and practice how to act and respond to your classmates.
- Introductions to a co-worker, a team leader you do not report to, or a client.
- Your Vice President is called away for an urgent situation, and you are left with your colleagues to greet a delegation of potential clients who only speak English at a social dinner. What do you do?
- Your Director arrived at the social event late. She speaks limited English, and you are very proficient; how do you handle this situation?
- Meeting clients who are your peers, you are asked about something you need clarification as to the meaning; how do you respond?
E104 Executive Education and Professional Development, English, Office Politics and Behavior at an American office.
- The urge to speak your mind just because your American colleague is doing so? It could be a better idea, and here is Why!
- What can get you fired or placed on probation for employment at an American company?
- Policies and procedures know then follow them; if others have crossed the line, consider doing the same.
- Keep those emails and safeguard passwords and credentials; they can protect you.
- Could you arrive on time, period? Never work off the clock; that can get you fired, too!
- Human Resources department and when to speak with them.
- Do you know if there are no Holiday decorations? Really?
E105 Executive Education and Professional Development, English, Job Interview with an English-speaking interviewer. (Prerequisite: must have taken E101 and E102 OR demonstrate to the instructor a high-level mastery of the English language.)
- Preparing for that all-important first interview. Understanding the preparation of a resume, curriculum vitae, and personal and professional references.
- The phone interview, what to say, how to act, explaining yourself, and the next steps.
- Face to face for the first time. How should you act? What should you wear? American job interviews quirks and features.
- The panel interview, you made it to the next level; now they are getting serious! I want to let you know that your time is to set yourself apart from the group.
- The hiring manager, now it is down to just you and two other candidates. What do you think about your dream job?
- You did not get the job offer; what should you do? Or, You got the Job, now what do you do?
E106 Executive Education and Professional Development, English, TOFEL preparation.
Executive TOEFL Preparation Program is designed for busy professionals and executives who aim to improve their English language proficiency and achieve high scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). (TOFEL) is used by colleges and universities to evaluate your proficiency in the English language. The course focuses on the critical competencies tested in the TOEFL exam: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. (The prep courses of E101 and E102 are strongly encouraged to take these courses before beginning this course, E106). Students will develop the skills necessary to excel in the academic and international business environment through personalized instruction, practice tests, and strategic test-taking techniques.
Course Outline:
Module 1: Introduction to TOEFL
- Overview of the TOEFL test structure and scoring
- Setting up personal TOEFL success goals
- Test registration and preparation resources
Module 2: Reading Skills for TOEFL
- Strategies for skimming and scanning academic texts
- Practice with reading comprehension questions
- Vocabulary building and note-taking techniques
- Timed reading practice tests
Module 3: Listening Skills for TOEFL
- Effective note-taking during lectures and conversations
- Listening strategies for main ideas and details
- Practice with different accents and academic subjects
- Timed listening practice tests with discussions.
Module 4: Speaking Skills for TOEFL
- Introduction to speaking tasks and evaluation criteria
- Techniques to improve pronunciation and fluency
- Practice with independent and integrated speaking tasks
- Recording and analysis of practice responses
Module 5: Writing Skills for TOEFL
- Structure and development of integrated and independent essays
- Grammar review and editing strategies
- Timed writing sessions with individual feedback
- Practice with sample topics and model answers
Module 6: TOEFL Test Practice and Strategies
- Full-length, timed TOEFL practice tests.
- Analysis of test results to identify areas of improvement
- Test-taking strategies and time management
- Stress reduction techniques and confidence-building
Module 7: Review and Wrap-Up
- Final review of critical strategies for each TOEFL section
- Tips for continued practice post-course
- Mock TOEFL test under exam conditions
- Course evaluation and feedback
Module 8: Personalized Study Plan Creation
- One-on-one session with an instructor to create a study plan
- Identification of personal strengths and weaknesses
- Customized practice schedule leading up to test day
Additional Program Features:
Access to online TOEFL preparation resources Flexible scheduling to accommodate executive availability Continuous performance tracking and personalized feedback Support with TOEFL registration and additional resources post-course.
Course Duration:
The course duration can vary based on the student's starting level, target score, and scheduling availability. A typical intensive course lasts 4 to 6 months with options for extended study. Your proficiency in the English language will determine how quickly you will advance to the next module. Discuss your expectations as to duration with your instructor. Do not be discouraged if the course duration exceeds a year. This time frame is not unusual. Everything depends on your comprehension. It is better to practice and get it right than to become discouraged and stop trying. Consider taking E101 and E102 before enrolling in E106. Target Audience: This course is aimed at business professionals, managers, consultants, and executives who are non-native English speakers planning to attend English-speaking universities, seek international opportunities, or wish to improve their English proficiency for professional development.
Course Fee
It is paid before instruction the following month. As stated, a typical intensive course can last 4 to 6 months. Please talk with your instructor about what you're like. Most students who attend this course have a desired start date at a particular University or College. We will make sure to plan accordingly.
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Courses begin on the 1st of each month and proceed for the next four weeks. Be prepared to navigate in ZOOM, preferably on a laptop or desktop. Take your classes in a quiet space with no distractions. Having your cell phone available is also required as some classes will require you to enter a website posted in English, and as individuals and a group, we will discuss. Take notes. Take lots and lots of notes in English. You will refer back to them throughout the class and any additional courses you take with Miking Academy’s Executive Education and Professional Development, English Language series.
All course sessions are limited to 10 students only. TOFEL preparation is one on one only. By listening to yourself speak and that of your classmates, you will begin to understand the English language on a higher level. You will practice what you have learned. Homework will be assigned for daily practice and not consume more than 30 minutes of your day. All classes are conducted via Zoom and will last one hour; we will meet on the assigned days of the week and begin promptly at the assigned time.